

Romans 1:12 
When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.

Therefore it takes more than one to keep faith alive. When one is strong in their faith, helping another, the other's bitterness can only last so long before you see either explosion, or you have to give them time off of clinging.
I know clearly what it is like to suffer. Some people can't say even how much it seems so intense. But I always say our suffering is equal in God's eyes. He knows what areas will break another to faith and another that won't. But to us humans, many feel it is just us. Only ME suffering badly. Can't anyone see that?
It is ok to talk to Jesus about it all-He wants that. But He doesn't want you turning over time, nor turning others. Wronging them for complaining of what they go thru, or bringing others further from their faith while they suffer. Then tear at one who was just venting to Jesus, and had zero to do with it but demeaning words.
I had to block Kim Alexander from all ability to post, as for her illness has her angry and in a mood to compare her illness to the world. So we have gone from me helping her, to her hating me for ever questioning God-when that is her daily issue.
So I no longer can help her-which she didn't take easily anyway. And a close friend of hers has been dropped a while back due to her type of illness, but not respecting her friend has them too. This world doesn't understand, that it takes true heart and faith to help that illness flee. I know that from my epilepsy.
She is angry at me for venting my illnesses to God, angry to God she has one. She is just angry and it isn't for me to help that. I will pray.

Join with me and pray for Kim's faith.



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